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The purpose of life is to experience

True Health - Happiness - Wellbeing - Growth

and Helping Others




Ren Xue International and Ren Xue Europe are organizing a retreat

Ren Xue International et Ren Xue Europe organisent une retraite

with Yuan Tze, the founder of Ren Xue system

avec Yuan Tze, le créateur du système Ren Xue

From May 23 to June 1, 2025

du 23 mai au 1er juin 2025


Bergresort Hochsauerland/Hotel/Resort - Winterberg - Germany

It will be simultaneously translated into German and French

Cette retraite sera disponible en Allemand et en Français

To find out more, visit/Pour plus de détails, visitez Ren Xue Europe






Contact me/Me contacter

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- Follow the teaching rather than the teacher - 

REN XUE Life Cultivation offers us teachings and tools to navigate our existence and understand the totality of life. 

"Relax, Calm, Natural, Integrated & Unified - Jue Cha"